Saturday, May 5, 2007

Fixing the problem..!

There is no way to please everyone in fixing illegal immigration. You could say that anybody here illegally should be thrown in jail, but that would add to out already overpopulated prison system and cost tax payers more money. You could say anybody here illegally should be deported immediately. Deport them where, the border, they would just cross back over the second we dropped them off. The US government could deny illegals emergency services and all social services, but we would never deny anyone medical care. Another thing I think our society over looks is people who aid illegal immigration. Those who aid and abet illegal immigration should be subject to prosecution.

In my opinion here is what should be done on illegal immigration. If you want to come over to the USA sign up for the military, that's right the military. I purpose that illegal immigrants serve a 5 year tour with the branch that our government assigns them to. Once that tour is served green cards will be given to the immediate family. Immigrants would benefit greatly from the military for reasons such as health care, a paycheck, learn English, pay taxes legally, and they would learn a valuable skill/trade. While in the service we would provide benefits to the immediate family. The same proposal should be extended to those already here illegally. I know that this is a very raw proposal but I think it has potential. If I ever won the Presidential election I would purpose this in the first 60 days of office.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Wow! This is really interesting. Are there any recent politicans advocating similar issues?

You have really highlighted here the BIG issue, it seems: those who hire and take advantage of immigrants. I hope to see, when you're president, you enact some legislation that is really tough on these people!