Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Trip to Mexico....

Several weeks ago I went to Cozumel, Mexico, it was my first time in the country. It was my intention while there to ask questions that pertained to my blog on "Immigration" and I did just that. The main question I focused on the was simply "why the USA". Now I must have asked that question (respectfully and charismatically) at least 100 times but only found English maybe 10 to 15 times and it was Spanglish at that, yes it's a real word. Anyways, I had several different answers from each person I asked but they all had one common answer that they were in agreence on and that was money. Money, well that answer did not surprise me at all but it got me thinking how is that different from what Americans want? Truth be told it's no different, Mexicans want what Americans want and that is money. The second answer I received the most of was "family". Almost everyone I spoke with said that they wanted what's best for there family. From my experience of being there i can tell you that there is not much of an economy and the major revenue comes from tourism. The reason that the USA is so sought after is because of it's economy, you have to have a good economy to in return have a good job market. At least half of the people I spoke with dropped out of school at a young age. Immigrants can come to the USA and make more money doing the jobs that our society doesn't want to do and they can make twice the money as they would in there native country with little to no education. Now I know that sounds a little harsh but it's true. Experts say that the success of many immigrants in the U.S. hinges on such factors as their legal status, their education and how much money they had in their pockets when they arrived here, that sure does make you think(1).

References Cited

(1)William Booth, "Sweat of Their Brows Reshapes an Economy," Washington Post, July 13, 1998.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Good points here! I agree that money is an answer that a lot of us would give, but is there a message behind that and related to family? What about security? There is something to be said about feeling financially secure and then other things fall into place, family being one of them.

Break up that big paragraph, and keep watching for the little things, like ' use.