Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Problems with Illegal Immigration

In my last blog I wrote about my experience in Mexico and the answers I received from the locals on why they want to come to the USA. In this blog I want to discuss the problems with illegal immigration from an American point of view. Illegal immigration is a problem that affects all Americans. Illegal immigrant is defined as any persons who migrates to a country for a permanent residence without some form of identification. There are many problems which develop from illegal immigration, including overpopulation, rising crime and unemployment(1). In my opinion the American government must control the flow of illegal immigrants into the USA in order to provide more opportunities for Americans. The Illegal Immigration Act of 1965 act placed a limit on the number of immigrants allowed per country, and increased the rate of Hispanic and Asian Immigration. Another main problem in the United States today is crime. I spent five years as a Military Policeman in the U.S. Army and I can tell you crime comes in many different forms, such there is rape, murder, theft, etc. When immigrants come to the United States illegally, no background report is given to our government on that person. Now imagine trying to run an illegal immigrant through a local police database and for that matter the DOJ (Department of Justice). You would come up with absolutely nothing. Immigrants who enter illegally can bring all sorts of a shady/sketchy past. Here is a example, A major player in drug trafficking may be feeling the heat of what every country he/she might be in so what's the next best thing, come to America illegally. Now when that drug dealer slips in to our country unnoticed he/she can start his operation up again and our government would not have a clue. Thus adding to our already enormous drug problem.

References Cited

(1)Crime & the Illegal Alien: The Fallout from Crippled Immigration Enforcement, by Heather Mac DonaldCenter for Immigration Studies Backgrounder, June 2004


Candace Varnell said...

Your blog was very detailed and has useful information. It is cool that you were a cop in the Army.

Julie P.Q. said...

Ok, but go one step further. What percentage of crime documented is from those undocumented or illegal? I know you state here that you think we should curb immigration in this manner, but in your own definition of "illegal immigrant" they state, "It is estimated that over 50% of US crop workers are illegal immigrants." What would happen then?

Craig said...

You mentioned alot of good parts, But what about solutions? what are some ideas to control this problem. this is your blog and your opinion what would you do? overall good makes one imaginative.